Apr 24

Mechanical lift technology: The parent experience of caring for an adult child with a physical disability

Monday, April 24, 2017

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Department of Disability and Human Development and the Office of Student Affairs presents a thesis defense:

“Mechanical lift technology: The parent experience of caring for an adult child with a physical disability” by Lori Peculis

UIC Assistive Technology Unit staff conduct home-based assessments to identify assistive technology and home modifications that are needed to support individuals with disability to continue living in their home. In some cases, home assessments conducted with parents as caregivers of adult children with physical and intellectual disabilities lead to recommendations for transfer lift devices. Transfer lift devices optimize safe practices for both the client and their caregivers. Parents of aging children with developmental disabilities experience a unique set of physical and emotional challenges and they are challenged to maintain their own health as they are aging. For this population of middle and older aged caregivers, the physical effort of daily lifting places them at increased risk for back pain, fatigue and other health concerns. Transfer lift technology is recommended to reduce the physical effort required by caregivers, but there is little evidence that exists to support use of these lifts in the home setting. In this research project the caregiver perspective was investigated to determine whether acquiring a transfer lift device in the home impacts the experience of parental caregivers.

For individuals needing access accommodations, please send an email to maitha@uic.edu by April 10th.


Maitha Abogado