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MS in Kinesiology

Our Clinical Exercise Physiology concentration prepares you to become an American College of Sports Medicine Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist

Resilient Athlete Program

Four soccer players

Online or on-site sports injury consulting at no cost

We educate athletes of all ages to develop resilience during or after injury, using evidence-based consulting to:

  • reduce fear
  • increase confidence
  • cultivate a positive outlook
  • maintain healthy relationships
  • advocate for appropriate treatment
  • build a personalized mental skills toolkit.

How RAP works Heading link

Resilient athlete program logo

The Resilient Athlete Program is led by faculty and graduate students in the Performance, Sport and Exercise Psychology Program who are Certified Mental Performance Consultants or CMPCs-in-training through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. Individual services include:

  • initial 45-60 minute assessment, plus three 45-minute follow-up consults
  • personalized programming to increase healthy living and movement
  • specialized support for long-term rehabilitation

Benefits Heading link

  • create a mental skills* rehabilitation plan
  • resilience education and resources
  • convenient scheduling
  • develop new skills
  • accountability

*Common mental skills include confidence building, goal setting, imagery, reframing, relaxation and positive self-talk.

Complete this intake form and we'll contact you within 24 hours

RAP coaches Heading link

RAP alumni Heading link

Karrie Hamstra-Wright and John Coumbe-Lilley

We’re here to help


Contact us
Phone 312.996.0152
Address 901 W. Roosevelt Rd.
334 PEB
Chicago, IL 60608

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