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What's happening Inside AHS?

News, announcements and updates for and by AHS students, faculty and staff.

Liz Peterson’s new article published in Disability and Rehabilitation

Liz Peterson is co-author of “Factors associated with fear of falling and fall-related injuries among people who use wheelchairs and motorized mobility scooters: a cross-sectional study” published in Disability and Rehabilitation. The study…

Volunteer at New Student Convocation

This year, new student convocation will take place week 1 of the semester and on Wednesday August 28 from 4-6:30pm. College’s have been asked to re-imagine our involvement at UIC Convocation and are…

Congratulations 2024 AMI award recipients!

Congratulations to all of those who received awards at the 2024 Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Meeting in Rochester, New York:   Salon Awards (Student) Leah Balsan (BVIS 2024) received a Social Impact…