

The UIC Physical Therapy Faculty Practice primary location is on the west side of the UIC campus. Services are provided at two locations:

UIC Disability, Health and Social Policy Building
1640 W. Roosevelt Road
3rd floor, room 336
Chicago, IL 60608

Phone: 312-413-8043
Fax: 312-413-8333

UI Health 55th and Pulaski Health Collaborative
5525 S. Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629

Phone: 312-492-1433


Appointments Heading link

For appointments at 1640 W. Roosevelt Road, call 312-413-8043
Para citas en 1640 W. Roosevelt Road, llame al 312-413-8043

For appointments at 5525 S. Pulaski Road, call 312-492-1433
Para citas en 5525 S. Pulaski Road, llame al 312-492-1433

No referral required. Receiving physical therapy in Illinois does not require a referral, however, individual insurance plans vary. Contact your insurance provider to understand the specifics of your coverage.

No se necesita un referido. Recibir fisioterapia en Illinois no requiere un referido; sin embargo, los planes de seguro individuales varían. Comuníquese con su proveedor de seguro medico para conocer los detalles de su cobertura.

Spanish interpreters/Intérpretes de español
Some staff and services providers speak Spanish. Please indicate that you’ll need an interpreter when making an appointment.

Algunos empleados y proveedores de servicios hablan español. Indique que necesitará un intérprete al hacer su cita.

New patients/Nuevos pacientes
New patients are required to bring a photo identification and medical insurance card to their first visit. A copy of your referral, if your medical insurance plan requires you to have one, may be required.

Todos los pacientes nuevos deben llevar una identificación con fotografía y una tarjeta de seguro médico a su primera visita. Es posible que se le pida una copia de su referido, si su plan de seguro médico lo requiere.

Initial consultations typically take about one hour. Subsequent sessions are between 30 and 60 minutes. There is a 20-minute grace period for all appointments. If you are late for your appointment, your provider will only see you for the remaining time of your scheduled appointment. If you come later than the 20-minute grace period, you will be marked as a no-show and will be rescheduled.

Las consultas iniciales duran aproximadamente una hora. Las sesiones de seguimiento duran entre 30 y 60 minutos. Hay un período de gracia de 20 minutos para todas las citas. Si llega tarde a su cita, su proveedor solo lo atenderá durante el tiempo restante de su cita programada. Si llega después de 20 minutos, se marcará como no presentado y se reprogramará una nueva cita.

Parking Heading link

1640 W. Roosevelt Road
Parking is available on site. Tokens (used to exit the lot) are available for purchase at our clinic. Patient parking is available on campus lots for a fee. The clinic does not validate parking.

Entrance Heading link

1640 W. Roosevelt Road
Use the doors on the East side of the building (facing Roosevelt Road), walk through the main lobby and take any elevator to the third floor.

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