AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting


What's happening Inside AHS?

News, announcements and updates for and by AHS students, faculty and staff.

Congratulations Isabel Romero Calvo!

Calvo's surgical illustration was selected for a 2020 scientific illustration exhibit at the Nature Museum in Madrid

Caitlin Crabb successfully defends dissertation

Disability studies doctoral student defended her dissertation titled, “Factors Impacting Access to Home and Community-Based Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities”

Knowledge Bowl winners (left to right) Paulina Pei, Claire Mercer, Victoria Turnbull, Jessica Prucha and Estefania Garcia Gomez.

OT students attend AOTA/ NBCOT Student Conclave

Several of OT Students attended the AOTA/ NBCOT Student Conclave in Chicago. OT Students Paulina Pei, Claire Mercer, Victoria Turnbull, Jessica Prucha and Estefania Garcia Gomez won a participated in a Knowledge Bowl…
