The deadline for essay submissions for The Douglas Award on Oral Health and Senescence is July 31. The goal of the Douglas Award is to increase dental professionals’ awareness that oral health care…
Robert Motl is lead author of “Validation of scores from a telephone administered multiple sclerosis walking scale-12 in persons with multiple sclerosis” published in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
The UIC Department of Occupational Therapy is a recipient of an Advancing Racial Equity Award from the UIC Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement for the project “Advancing Racial Equity through Elevating the…
We would like to recognize the following AHS students for earning high distinction in academic performance for the spring 2024 semester: Applied Health Sciences Undecided Students Omar Abusharbain Vanessa Adu Alaa Ali…
Fabricio Balcazar is the lead author of “Civic engagement training at a school for youth with a history of dropping out” published in the American Journal of Community Psychology.
The University of Illinois System and the University Academic Alliance of Taiwan (UAAT) have published a call for proposals to launch joint research projects in the areas of Next-generation Semiconductor (+Quantum), AI &…
The Medical Scholars Program in the College of Medicine is seeking a Graduate Hourly Assistant to support the ongoing developmental needs and growing interest of the Medical Scholars Program. The GPPA Medical Scholars…
Researchers evaluate the impact of training community health workers on health literacy and cultural humility and explore the views of community health workers regarding their experience
KN doctoral student Vicky Pavlou ’20 MS NUT is one of the featured experts quoted in this Healthline article about the benefits on intermittent fasting for people with type 2 diabetes: