
What's happening Inside AHS?

News, announcements and updates for and by AHS students, faculty and staff.

Frank Armitage Lecture Series Promotional Image

The 2025 Frank Armitage Lecture

Please join us to honor visual innovators in biomedicine. This year will feature lectures by Natalie Doolittle, MS, Medical Illustrator and Armitage’s granddaughter, as well as Certified Clinical Anaplastologist Suzanne Verma, MAMS, CCA.

Fall 2024 Dean's List of Academic Distinction

We would like to recognize the following AHS students for earning high distinction in academic performance for the fall 2024 semester. Exceptional academic achievement in the College of Applied Health Sciences is recognized each term by…

Survey: Digital accessibility initiatives at UIC

As you know, UIC has embarked on a large initiative to ensure most/all materials are digitally accessible  by April 2026.  This is required for full compliance with final rule revision of Title II…

2025 Vesalius Trust Scholarship Awards

I am very excited to announce the results of the 2025 Vesalius Trust for Visual Communication in the Health Sciences Scholarship Awards.  We were notified by the Trust that the following second-year BVIS…