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2022 Health Tech Jam volunteer judges needed

I'm reaching out as one of the planning committee members for the 2022 Health Tech Jam! The Health Tech Jam is a UIC event open to graduate and undergraduate students in health professional programs. Students are randomly grouped together with a mission to collaborate and innovate. At the end of the event, each team pitches a tech idea in response to an ongoing health problem.

If you're interested, we'd love to have your perspective as a judge for the event! We're looking for volunteers to provide feedback to our students for a 60-minute session on Saturday and Sunday, 2/12 and 2/13. We're also seeking volunteers to review up to five of the 3- to 5-minute pitches to help decide the event winner! If you think you'd be able to volunteer, we'd be incredibly grateful - please sign up here at this Google Form to sign-up to be a judge!

Questions? Reach out to event coordinator, Sam Bond at