AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

A message to AHS students from Dean Bo Fernhall re. the stay-at-home order

As I am sure you know by now, yesterday Governor Pritzker announced a stay-at-home order for Illinois. This order is an important part of the strategy to impede the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and “flatten the curve.”  I urge all of you to take this directive very seriously and stay at home. Of course, there are several exemptions to the order, including seeking medical help, going to the grocery store, etc. Please make sure you maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet when you do leave your home. We are all responsible for doing our very best to help stem this pandemic. A helpful tool for estimating your risk of being infected with COVID-19 is available at C19check.com/start.

Our buildings are closed and locked, thus our classrooms and instructional facilities are not accessible. The university libraries are also closed and will reopen as the situation permits. We hope and expect that all of you can access instruction online from your homes when classes resume March 30. Please contact Eileen Doran at eileend2@uic.edu if you cannot access online instruction from home. Although some computer stations may open as the university libraries reopen (be advised that the libraries may not open), for students who do not have home internet access, it is our preference that you do not come campus if we can identify alternate solutions. Do not try to access our buildings for study, lab work or other non-essential duties. Do continue to monitor updates on Inside AHS, the UIC Today website and the University of Illinois System website.

Please be patient and do heed the stay-at-home order, maintain social distancing when you are not at home, and stay safe. Together we will weather this very difficult time. Finally, I urge you to take this opportunity to stay physically active. Go for walks, run, jog, cycle, dance or any other activity you enjoy – while maintaining social distancing!  Physical activity is not only good your body, but also for your brain!

Best wishes,

Bo Fernhall
Dean and Professor