AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

AHS IT staff to assume responsibility for the majority of DHD’s IT support

Effective Monday, February 15, 2021 the college IT staff will assume responsibility for the majority of DHD’s IT support.

The college IT staff includes John Juat, co-director; Pedro Valencia, co-director; and Jonathan Irizzary, help desk manager. In addition to the core team, the centralized IT staff employs hourly employees and student employees to assist with IT services across the college.

I am very pleased to announce that Nelson Ayuyao, IT support associate, has joined the college IT staff. Nelson has been sharing his knowledge of DHD’s IT needs with the college IT staff.

Starting on February 15 please submit your IT helpdesk requests to ahs-help@uic.edu. Nelson and the college staff are in the process of reviewing and closing the tickets in the dhd-help@uic.edu queue.

Below and also attached you will find a scope of services document that highlights the services the college IT staff provides to departments and units across the college. This support will now be provided to DHD faculty and staff.

The college will be working with the department to plan for providing in-person onsite support this fall. It is envisioned this will entail a shared support model with the department taking the lead in providing classroom and event support while the college IT staff providing desktop support and the services listed below. Additional details regarding onsite support will be announced this spring and summer as details are finalized. As mentioned onsite support this fall is envisioned to be a combination of college IT support and department led support for classrooms and events.

Pedro and John will be attending the February 17 DHD faculty meeting. They will present a brief overview of college IT services and answer questions about college IT services.

In the meantime if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

AHS IT helpdesk services

Setup of new managed computers
o Assist with IT Onboarding (listserv, networked drives/printers)
o Recommend hardware, obtain quotes
o Operating System installation
o Software installation
o Hardware handoff (handing off the laptop or setting up the desktop in user’s office/lab)
o Software configuration
o Hardware configuration

Classroom support
o Classroom computer support
o General classroom A/V equipment troubleshooting (podium, A/V rack, displays)
o General online collaborative tool troubleshooting

Helpdesk support
o Software installation on managed machines
o Hardware installation/troubleshooting on managed machines
o Act as liaison for collaboration with Technology Solutions group - Answer questions about campus services
o Data recovery/back ups
o Data destruction/computer wiping
o Assist with account issues (password resets)
o VPN support
o 3rd Party hardware/software support on managed machines
o Remote session support
o Networked resources (drive/printer access) requests
o College listserv management
o General online collaboration tool troubleshooting
o General printer support on managed machines
o General network troubleshooting
o Assist with moving managed computer equipment for office moves

Software deployment/Operating System updates