AHS College Meeting

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American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant pilot project program request for applications

The UI Cancer Center is the recipient of the American Cancer Society’s Institutional Research Grant (ACS IRG). The ACS IRGs are awarded to institutions as block grants and provide seed money for newly independent investigators to initiate cancer research projects. The intent is to support junior faculty in initiating cancer research projects so they can obtain preliminary results that will enable them to compete successfully for national research grants.



  • Support the development of new investigators to conduct independent cancer research.
  • Foster direct relationships between funded institutions and the local American Cancer Society chapter.
  • Support research by newly independent investigators in areas of special interest to the Society

The Cancer Center will fund three ACS IRG pilots in 2023 for up to $50,000 awarded for a one-year project period. One of the three pilots will be awarded to a cancer prevention and control project that addresses social/economic/clinical barriers, or behavioral or biological determinants of health


The deadline for submitting a Letter of Intent is November 15th, 2022.

The deadline for submitting a Full Application is December 1st, 2022.

The earliest start date for UICC Pilot Projects will be January 1st, 2023. Projects are awarded for a one-year period.



  • Applicants must be within six years of their first independent research or faculty appointment.
  • Applicants may not currently hold an NIH R01 or equivalent grant. Individuals with previously funded peer-reviewed research project (e.g., R01) that was not renewed are still eligible to apply for the ACS IRG, as long as they (a) are still at the level of Assistant Professor (b) are within the first six years of their independent faculty appointment, (c) are no more than 12 years from their last degree, and (d) have not received funds from the ACS IRG before.
  • Recipients of IRG pilot project grants are not required to be United States (U.S.) citizens. However, any applicant for IRG pilot project funding who is not a U.S. citizen must hold a visa that will allow him or her to remain in the U.S. long enough to complete the IRG pilot project and provide SCC with the appropriate documentation at the time of submission.



ACS IRG Pilot Project awards are for any amount up to $50,000 for a one-year project period.

For more details, please review the RFA:

ACS-IRG-pilot-grant-RFA-2.pdf (uillinois.edu)