AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Applications for the 2023 I-TEAM Award

The Office of Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs is seeking applications for the annual Interprofessional Teaching in Action Matters (I-TEAM) Award. This award was launched in 2021 to recognize UIC faculty and instructional staff that have demonstrated excellence in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) through teaching and innovation. $2,500 will be awarded to one interprofessional team.

The award criteria includes:

The program design is evidenced informed, innovative and addresses important, contemporary interprofessional education or interprofessional practice needs consistent with the mission of interprofessional health professions practice and education at UIC.
The program evaluation plan is evidence informed, uses valid assessment methods and demonstrates interprofessional learning outcomes.
The program design is scalable, sustainable and/or transferable.
The program is designed to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all learners.
The submission deadline has been extended to Friday May 26, 2023.

Please click on the link to learn more about the I-TEAM criteria and requirements:


Apply Now!

For questions, please contact Mary Keehn at mkeehn@uic.edu or Ami Shah at ashah58@uic.edu.