AHS College Meeting

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Applications open for the Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion and Translation pilot grant competition

The Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion and Translation is holding a pilot grant competition this year for UI-UIC scientists studying health promotion for older adults. Obtain pilot funding to test health promotion interventions that improve cognition among older adults in 2023-2024.

Applicants may participate in only one competition during a calendar year. Previous grantees are welcome to submit new applications.


The Center seeks to fund and support small clinical trials that assess the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of new or adapted health promotion interventions.  All UI-UIC researchers — faculty, doctorate-level researchers and doctoral students are eligible to apply.  Proposed interventions must be principle-driven behavioral interventions that target older adults (50+) living in the United States. Interventions that target physical activity promotion and/or that maintain or enhance mobility and cognitive function are preferred.  Interventions should use cutting-edge technology for intervention design, measurement, and outcomes. Projects can be funded up to $50,000 for one year beginning June 1, 2023.

All interventions must be Stage 1 of the NIH Stage Model and should be designed to be feasible for translation over time into community settings with reasonable mechanisms for promoting program fidelity.


Applications are due December 5, 2022 and letters of intent are requested, but not required. In the letter, please include your contact information and a brief (2-3 sentences) summary of your proposed pilot. Please send all materials to Roxanne Dakers, MPH, rdakers@uic.edu 

The full Roybal Pilot Competition Application is available here:




The Midwest Roybal Center for Health Promotion and Translation is funded by the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. P30AG022849) led by David Marquez, PhD and Tanvi Bhatt, PhD Directors of IHRP's Center for Research on Health and Aging.

For more information about pilot grants, contact Roxanne Dakers, MPH, at rdakers@uic.edu.