AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Ashley Hughes selected for the Social Networks and Health Workshop 2019-20 Fellowship

BHIS assistant professor Ashley M. Hughes has been selected for the Social Networks and Health Workshop Fellowship through Duke University, 2019-2020.

This annual Social Networks and Health Workshop Fellowship program is a highly competitive, year-long professional development opportunity for junior investigators to apply social network methodologies and analytic approaches in health sciences research. Selected fellows are required to attend the Social Networks and Health Workshop at Duke University as part of their training. The fellowship provides an assigned mentor team, dedicated mentoring sessions during the workshop period, funding to support all cost(s) associated with workshop attendance, and eligibility to apply to additional funding for travel, training or resources during the 2019-2020 year of fellowship. Fellows are expected to continue work on their submitted, mentored ongoing project using social networks and are slotted for quarterly check-ins with their mentorship team to assess progress and proposal submission quality.

Fellows and resources associated with this award stem from NIH award (NIH / NICHD 1R25HD079352).