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BVIS students, alumni and faculty win 2023 Association of Medical Illustrators awards, honors

Congratulations to all of those who received awards at the 2023 Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Meeting in Henderson, Nevada:

Salon Awards (Student)
Lauren Muskara (BVIS 2023) received an Award of Merit in the Editorial category for The Fall of Roe v. Wade

Lauren Muskara (BVIS 2023) received a Social Impact Award for The Fall of Roe v. Wade.

Salon Awards (Professional)
BVIS alumnus Zhaowen (Norman) Luo (BVIS 2019) received an Award of Excellence in the Didactic/instructional-Non-Commercial category for A Brief Introduction to Intraflagellar Transport System.

BVIS alumnus David Ehlert (BVIS 1997) & Cognition Studio, Inc. received an Award of Excellence in the Animation Didactic/Instructional-Commercial category for TriSalus: PEDD Clinical Evidence Summary Video.

BVIS Faculty Member Cameron Slayden received an Award of Merit in the Animation Didactic/Instructional-Commercial category for Programming the Pharmacophore.

BVIS alumna Molly Huttner (BVIS 2017) received an Award of Excellence in the Animation Advertising and Marketing/Promotional category for CytoTronics. 

BVIS alumnus David Ehlert (BVIS 1997) & Cognition Studio, Inc. received an Award of Excellence in the Didactic/Instructional Non-Commercial category for Gates Ventures- Exosomes Placema.

BVIS alumna and Faculty Member Yu-Hui Huang (BVIS 2012) received an Award of Merit in the Simulators, Prosthetics, and Sculptural Products category for Mandibular Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Other AMI Awards
BVIS faculty member and alumna Mandy Root-Thompson (BVIS 2014) and BVIS alumni Melanie Connolly (BVIS 2016), Ni-ka Ford (BVIS 2017), and Eva Mae Baucom (BVIS 2016) were all named Fellows of the AMI. The designation of Fellow is a formal recognition of those AMI members who have generously contributed their skill, time, and effort to the Association by performing volunteer service. The purpose of the AMI's Fellow Program is to both recognize and encourage such volunteer participation in the activities of the Association.

Congratulations again to all the award winners! We are so proud of all of you!