AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Call for Proposals: Research and Development Science Team Seed Grants 2024

Discovery Partners Institute is pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2024 DPI Science Team Seed Fund program. You are invited to submit applications for funding and share this announcement widely with colleagues in your respective units.

New in 2024
1. In addition to science team proposals at our usual funding levels of $125,000, we are introducing institute and center proposals that would be funded up to $350,000.
2. This year, we are introducing two new themes where proposals are invited in (1) all aspects of cannabis research and (2) arts, social sciences and humanities proposals.

DPI Science Team Program Background
Since 2020, DPI has funded 27 science team proposals. For a combined investment of about $3 million, science teams have received external funding of about $70 million in grants and $26 million in contracts. The seed fund program supports the development of faculty collaborations, builds and strengthens university research areas, expands public engagement opportunities and strengthens multi-institutional and multidisciplinary collaboration.

Application Information
Detailed guidelines and the online application can be found on the DPI website. The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 16. An online information and teaming session is planned for Wednesday, Jan. 24, between 8:30-10:30 a.m.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact DPI Director of Research Venkat Venkatakrishnan at venkat@uillinois.edu.