Call for travel award applications: NIH/Latino Medical Student Association LIDEReS in Research Seminar

INTERNS, RESIDENTS, FELLOWS, JUNIOR FACULTY, & POST-DOC LEARNERS: Interested in developing as a Physician-Scientist or Scientist? Apply for NIH/LMSA LIDEReS in Research Seminar in Puerto Rico April 2024! *travel award provided to recipient*

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), in conjunction with the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), provides travel awards to participate in the NIH/LMSA LHS+ Identity, Development, Empowerment, and Resources Seminar (LIDEReS) in Research. Participants are residents, fellows, postdocs, and junior faculty who are interested in pursuing careers in biomedical research and/or academic medicine.

Interns, residents, junior faculty and post-doc learners: Interested in developing as a physician-scientist or scientist? Apply for NIH/LMSA LIDEReS in Research Seminar in Puerto Rico April 2024.

The mission of this inaugural conference is to attract Latino/Hispanic researchers (PhD, MD, and MD/PhDs) to a career in academia. Travel awards will be offered and the deadline to apply is January 11.

Details available at