College and Campus Awards: Seeking Nominations

Dear Colleagues,

I have good news to share! It’s award nominations time, again!

Nominations for the College of Applied Health Sciences Awards are due no later than 5 PM, December 1, 2024, and should be sent electronically to Joelle Lantz at Some award nominations require as little as a one-two page statement describing the nominee’s qualifications. Self-nominations are encouraged, in addition to the nominations of your colleagues, including those that may have been nominated previously but have not yet been awarded. Questions regarding the nominating process may be directed to . The link for the College Awards criteria and nomination process is here

Although the University has not yet posted the call for the university-level awards, the deadline for those awards is typically in February so that the Executive Committee has time to review the nominations before the campus deadline. Please send your nominations to Joelle (as above). Nomination information about university-level awards from last year may be found here UIC Awards | Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago.

On behalf of the Dean’s Office and the Executive Committee, I want to thank you in advance for nominating deserving individuals and organizations for these awards.

Thank you!

Renee Taylor