AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Community health worker survey: Win a $100 gift card

We represent a team from around the entire university that is trying to build a UIC center for community health worker (CHW) development and support. Our first goal is to determine the number of CHWs functioning within the university, and secondly, we hope to develop an understanding of their roles and responsibilities. We will be doing this via a survey of CHW supervisors and CHWs.

CHWs are defined as:

(1) Does community engagement and advocacy, navigation, community-based participatory research, coordination of services, education, social-emotional support, and/or serves as a community or cultural liaison?


(2) Is NOT a clinician or case manager, including social worker, therapist, or nurse?

Sometimes these people are called CHWs, patient navigators, lay health advisors, peer supporter, peer educator, promotores de salud, outreach workers, patient educators but other titles also apply.

If YOU ARE a community health worker, please complete the following brief survey:  uic_chw_survey

If you SUPERVISE or EMPLOY community health workers, please complete the following brief survey: uic_admin_chw_survey

If you do not work with CHWs or are not a CHW but know one, please forward this message .

Contact us with any questions, thoughts, or suggestions.

Thank you!
Molly Martin, MD, mollyma@uic.edu, 312-996-2363
Angela Ellison, aellison@uic.edu, 312-996-4656
Lisa Aponte-Soto, PhD, lapont2@uic.edu, 312-413-1971