AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Daniel Cochran is co-author of RESNA Position Paper on the Capacity-Building Role of Assistive Technology Specialists in PreK-12 Educational Settings

Daniel Cochrane is a co-author of a recently released official RESNA Position Paper on the Capacity-Building Role of AT specialists in PK-12 Educational Settings. It was sponsored by the RESNA K12 Practice Special Interest Group (which Cochran started in 2018) and has gone through an extensive process of development as required by RESNA's procedures for official position papers, including a 60-day comment period. The RESNA Board of Directors approved the final paper on March 30, 2022.

This is a summary of the position:
This RESNA position paper sponsored by the RESNA K12 Practice Special Interest Group advocates for increased access to assistive technology for all students with disabilities by defining capacity-building as a significant job responsibility of assistive technology (AT) specialists who work in school settings. Unlike AT practitioners who provide AT services to individuals as part of health or governmental services, an essential role of AT specialists who work in school settings is building the capacity of other school professionals to contribute to the provision of AT services. We recognize that the expertise of specialists is still needed for students with complex needs, including communication, which are not met by readily accessible or easy-to-implement tools. Nevertheless, AT specialists in schools should strive to meet the AT needs of students with disabilities through a capacity-building approach rather than direct service provision.