AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Lieke van Heumen gives keynote at Utrecht Summer School ‘The Politics of Disablement’

On August 21 Lieke van Heumen presented a keynote titled: “Transforming Higher Education: Possibilities for Engagement between Disability Studies and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” and moderated various discussion sessions at the third edition of the Utrecht Summer School 'The Politics of Disablement' in the Netherlands. The Politics of Disablement Summer School is open to researchers, practitioners and students from a range of disciplines, including those who work in fields like sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, literature, philosophy, political science, and social work. It is particularly relevant for those interested in disability studies, social justice, human rights, and diversity and inclusion. Participants hailed from various European countries as well as North America, Australia and Africa. The summer school offered participants the opportunity to engage with other scholars in the field of disability studies, and to share their own research with a wider audience.