AHS College Meeting

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DHD research team responds to Lyft

Yochai Eisenberg and Caitlin Crabb along with former DHD assistant professor Randall Owen (University of Nevada) respond to a letter to the editor in the American Journal of Managed Care (AJMC) from rideshare company Lyft regarding their paper “Rideshare Transportation to Health Care: Evidence From a Medicaid Implementation.” Lyft's letter to the editor critiques the UIC study and discusses their positive experiences, which are contrary to UIC's findings. The DHD team's response explains the reasoning and justification for the methodology used and explains that the evidence of rideshare's success in Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is mixed. Both sides (Lyft and UIC) agree: more research is needed!

Letter to Editor from Lyft: https://www.ajmc.com/view/industry-informed-perspectives-on-the-benefits-of-rideshare-based-medical-transportation

Response letter from DHD research team: https://www.ajmc.com/view/reply-to-industry-informed-perspectives-on-the-benefits-of-rideshare-based-medical-transportation-