AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Fall 2022 Academic Important Dates & Deadlines

Below is an email announcement shared with AHS students on 8/26/2022 and relevant for the Fall 2022 semester. keep in mind, these specific dates should remain constant for the semester but are university standard offices and guidelines and may adjust slightly depending on university needs.

Fall 2022 - Important Dates & Deadlines

For the Fall 2022 (full 16 week) term, Friday, September 2 is the LAST DAY to:

  • Drop an individual course and not receive a "W" for course
  • Add a course or change sections for term
  • Withdraw from the university and receive a 100% refund
  • Request the Credit / No Credit option for a course for fall term

(NOTE: Registration changes will not be possible through the my.uic.edu UI-Integrate Student Self-Service / Web for Student system after these dates.)

Students enrolled in the 8 week session Parts of Term A&B have earlier deadline dates.  Please consult your advisor for specific questions about deadline dates or refer to the following link:

Registration Policies and Procedures | Office of the Registrar | University of Illinois Chicago (uic.edu)

Other Important Dates:
Friday, August 26: 
 Last day for students enrolled in 8 week Part of Term A course to add/drop a course or withdraw from term with a refund.

Friday, September 2:  Last day for undergraduate students to request a late course add or drop for fall course

Monday, September 5:  LABOR DAY (NO CLASS)

Friday, September 9:  Last day for students to apply for Fall 2022 graduation.

Monday, September 12:  Last Day to submit waiver forms or coverage change requests to Campus Care Insurance

Friday, September 23:  Deadline to withdraw from an individual Part of Term A course while registered in other courses.  (No tuition adjustment)

October 10 – October 14:

  • Week 8 of semester marks MIDTERM week
  • End of Part of Term A (online 8 week session)

Monday, October 17:

  • Beginning of Part of Term B (online 8 week session)
  • Time tickets for Spring 2023 registration available through my.UIC portal

Thursday, October 20:  Midterm grades available for 000 and 100 level courses

Friday, October 21:  Last day for students enrolled in 8 week Part of Term B course to add/drop a course

Friday, October 28:  Last day for undergraduate students to request a late course drop for a fall 16 week course

Monday, October 31:

Tuesday, November 8: NO CLASS.  Election Day Holiday

November 24 & 25:  Thanksgiving Break (NO CLASSES)

Friday, December 2: Fall 2022 classes end; Last day to withdraw from the term with college permission

December 5 - 9: Fall 2022 Final Exams - link to final exam schedule

Monday, December 19:  Fall 2022 grades available online through my.UIC

Monday, January 9, 2023: Spring 2023 semester begins

Monday, January 16, 2023: NO CLASS, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Refer to the Registration website at the link below for additional information on registration policies and procedures. http://www.uic.edu/depts/oar/registration/policies_procedures.html

Best regards,
AHS Student Affairs Staff