AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Forty-four AHS students receive a UIC Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Award

Congratulations to the 44 AHS students who were nominated and selected to receive a UIC Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Award for the contributions they have made to the university and surrounding community. Additionally, of these students, six were nominated for the Eugertha Bates Memorial Award, six were nominated for the Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award, and three were nominated for induction into the Activities Honorary Society.

Ainsley Adique
Zarbab Ahmed
Eman Anwar
Gabriela Arroyo
Dani Bergey
Allison Broad
Abigail Carmona
Alexandria Cook
Jasmine Daquioag
Karen Davila
Cynthia Diep
Amy Early
Sydney Erlikh
Nicole Ethen
Sarrah Ezzi
Casey Garr
Angelo Giannoni
Elena Ivanova
Kristina Jackson
Kathryn Janowski
Haneen Kittaneh
Madeleine Larock
Daniela Maciel
Jessalynn Medina
Andrew Meiron
Rachel Meza
Nooreen Nisa
Ernest Ofori
Shariwa Oke
Oluwayomi Omosebi
Janaki Patel
Ryan Pawloski
Lauren Price
Sarah Quattrocki
Margaret Reilly
Alan Sadural
Richard Severin
Wiktoria Smiarowska
Randa Suleiman
Aman Tineh
Aalia Vhora
Yue Xu
Lily Yun
Tina Zheng