AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Free online GRE prep program for AHS students

All AHS students are invited to apply to participate in a free online GRE prep program taking place every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning on May 23 to July 25.

Program includes online instruction from  a certified GRE instructor. Student participants must purchase their own materials.

To apply, complete the following application by May 11, 2020: https://go.uic.edu/AHSUHPGREPrepProgram

The mission of the UIC Urban Health Program is to recruit, retain and graduate underrepresented racial/ethnic minority students, specifically African Americans, Latinx and Native Americans, in the health professions, and to expand educational opportunities for these populations at the pre-college (K-12), undergraduate, graduate and professional levels.  Additional details will be sent upon completion of registration.

*Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this program is being offered at no cost for the summer 2020 to support our AHS students interested in applying to graduate or professional schools. 

The UIC College of Applied Health Sciences has partnered with Get Better Scores to offer AHS students a GRE Program package that includes a computerized pre- and post-test, four hours of class time for 8 to 10 weeks, workbooks, weekly vocabulary quizzes and weekly detailed study plans. Blackboard will be used as software platform to evaluate the exam essays. Students will receive individualized support and online resources.

Questions? Contact Ken Morgan at kmorgan@uic.edu.