AHS College Meeting

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Healthy adults age 40-64 needed for non-invasive brain blood flow study

The Integrative Physiology Laboratory at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is looking for healthy men and women between 40 to 64 years old for a research study investigating brain blood flow responses to blood pressure challenges in men and women.

Purpose: Investigate how blood flow to the brain is delivered during different challenges that alter blood pressure (IRB# 2018-1309).

What would you need to do?
The study involves one visit to the IPL (~3.0 hrs).

After initial consenting and questionnaires, we will have you complete a series of cognitive tasks on a computer to assess your cognitive function. Then you will have your brain blood flow and blood pressure measured non-invasively using ultrasound and pressure sensors placed on top of your skin at rest and during 3 short challenges. The challenges include 1) a difficult mental task, 2) placing your hand in cold water, and 3) a “simulated-gravity” challenge using a lower body negative pressure chamber. After completing the blood flow testing you will complete an exercise fitness test on a treadmill.

What is in it for you?
You will receive monetary compensation upon finishing the study.

Where is the study taking place?
Integrative Physiology Lab at 1640 W. Roosevelt Rd.

For further information please contact the principal investigators of this study, Drs. Wesley Lefferts and Bo Fernhall in the Dept. of Kinesiology and Nutrition.

Dr. Wesley Lefferts
UIC PREMIER T32 Post-Doctoral Fellow
Phone #:312-996-9607
Email: wleffert@uic.edu