AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Introduction to bioinformatics summer 2020 workshop

The UIC Research Informatics Core is presenting a five-part introduction to bioinformatics workshop. Common bioinformatics techniques and methods will be reviewed, with an emphasis on practical skills, quality control, and data interpretation in application to next generation sequencing data sets.

Workshop sessions, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Day 1 - Aug 12: Introduction to R
Day 2 - Aug 14: Introduction to Linux/HPC
Day 3 - Aug 17: Introduction to RNA-Seq
Day 4 - Aug 19: Introduction to NGS
Day 5 - Aug 21: Introduction to Metagenomics

Registration (iLab login required): go.uic.edu/RICWorkshops

In order to register you will need a UIC iLab account. Don't have an
account? Get one at: https://rrc.uic.edu/get-started/user-registration/

Cancellation Policy: Notification must be given by July 27th.
Pre-requisite policy: NGS, RNA-seq, and Metagenomics workshop days (days 3-5) assume knowledge and skills that will be covered in Linux and R
workshop days (days 1-2). Registration for these pre-requisite days is strongly recommended unless the attendee is extremely confident in their abilities. If an attendee opts out of pre-requisite workshop days, then they assume full responsibility for the level of skill required for the later workshop days. No refunds or discounts or supplementary lessons will be given.

Questions? Email: cribioinfo@uic.edu