AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Introduction to Bioinformatics summer 2021 workshop

The UIC Research Informatics Core (RIC) is presenting a five-part introduction to bioinformatics workshop. Common bioinformatics techniques and methods will be reviewed, with an emphasis on practical skills, quality control, and data interpretation in application to next-generation sequencing (NGS) data sets.

Topics include:

  • Introduction to R
  • Introduction to Linux and High-Performance Computing
  • Introduction to RNA-seq
  • Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing data
  • Introduction to Metagenomics

When: July 28 to August 6 2021
Where: Online
Time: 9 AM to 4:45 PM
Cost: $125 per day/$550 all days (UIC/CBC pricing; external rates  $200 per day/$880 all days)
Computer Requirement: Computer with at least: 4GB RAM, 10GB free storage. Must be 64bit architecture.
Questions? Email: cribioinfo@uic.edu

For more information and to register, visit go.uic.edu/RICWorkshops. Please note that you will need to log in or register with our iLab system before submitting a workshop registration.