IT updates and resources for spring 2025

Updates from the AHS IT Team

Welcome back to campus! As we gear up for another exciting academic year, the AHS IT department would like to welcome our returning and new faculty and staff members warmly.

What's New?

Here are some of the key updates on a few projects we’ve been working on:

  • Windows 11: AHS-IT is deploying Windows 11 on all new computers. Beginning soon, we will be scheduling updates on computers that are currently running Windows 10 and can be upgraded to Windows 11. The updates will be handled department by department. So far, we have KN scheduled for March.
  • Classroom Upgrades: With the help of the departments and Pace Systems installers, we have completed our Classroom Technology Upgrade Project! Thank you to all those who helped us complete this project. We’ll coordinate with the departments to ensure all the old equipment gets prepped for disposal.
  • Echo 360 NOW AVAILABLE IN MOST CLASSROOMS: Echo 360 Lecture Capture Recording is now available in the following rooms:
  • AHS IT Website Coming Soon: In collaboration with the AHS Marketing and Communications team, prep work has begun to create a website for AHS IT. We have a general outline of what will be included, but if you have any topics/questions/content ideas you would like to see added, please email them directly to me at

IT Support and Resources

Here are some ways you can reach out to us:

  • Help Desk: For any technical issues or support, please get in touch with our Help Desk by submitting a ticket here:
  • Classroom Support: We will have FTE Helpdesk technicians stationed in PEB and DHSP for the first two weeks of the semester. After that, our student technicians will remain stationed in those buildings for emergency classroom issues.
  • Training/Consultations: If you’d like to schedule a training session for one of our classrooms, please feel free to submit a ticket here:


As we begin the new semester, please remember to:

We’re excited to support you throughout this academic year. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Here’s to a successful and tech-savvy year ahead!