AHS College Meeting

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Jessica Jarvis co-authors two new publications with CPERL team

The Children's Participation in Environment Lab (CPERL) started the new year with the determination to make this year "twenty-GREAT-teen", and a great year it has been already! We're happy to announce two new publications with our postdoctoral research associate, Jessica Jarvis.

The first, Determinants of Change in Home Participation Among Critically Ill Children, has been accepted by the journal Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.  Study results found that there were no significant changes in home participation frequency or involvement during the initial 6 months post-discharge from a pediatric intensive care unit, but that involvement rates across time were moderated by functional status. Additionally, home environmental support significantly predicted home involvement, which has exciting clinical suggestions for environmentally focused interventions with this population.

The second, The Modifying Effect of Positive Emotion on the Relationship Between Cognitive Impairment and Disability Among Older Mexican Americans: A Cohort Study, has been accepted by the journal Disability & Rehabilitation. This manuscript comes from the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Jarvis. This secondary analysis found that positive emotion and cognitive impairment consistently decreased and increased risk for activities of daily living disability, respectively, among community dwelling older Mexican Americans.

Research is a team sport and we are incredibly thankful for team CPERL, as well as all the mentors and collaborators who have supported and assisted us on our journey!