AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Join the National Association of Black Physical Therapists Illinois Chapter

A message from Kyle Mustiful-Brumfield, vice president,  NABPT- IL Chapter:

I am emailing on behalf of the National Association of Black Physical Therapists (NABPT) Illinois Chapter. The goal of the NABPT is to increase opportunities for individuals within the African Diaspora in physical therapy through networking , community service, advocacy, career development and mentorship.

I was wondering if you know of any faculty,  SPTs or prospective DPT/PTA students, who would be interested in joining the organization and if so, be willing to pass along this information and connect them with us?

If there are any additional questions or concerns from yourself or interests,  please feel free to contact myself or our chapter email, nabpt.il@gmail.com. Additionally, here is the link to our national organization website: https://nabpt.org.

Kyle Mustiful-Brumfield, SPT
Governors State University
Vice President,  NABPT- IL Chapter