AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Library updates: Summer orders and upcoming events

Hello CAHS faculty and staff,

I hope your spring is going well! Here are some updates from the library:

Reminder about summer orders: Submit by 5/5

Please let me know about any library items needed for the summer by May 5th. After that time, we risk not being able to acquire them in time for the summer semester. If it is a required text for a course, please let me know which course it is for and whether you'd prefer a print copy or an ebook copy if available.

Event: Image of Research Awards (4/28)

Please join us for The Image of Research Awards on Fri., April 28 at 3 p.m. at the Daley Library, Rm. 1-470! Learn about the winners' fascinating projects and congratulate them in person. Please RSVP to attend: http://go.uic.edu


New exhibit: "Deinvesting in Death" (ongoing)

Deinvesting in Death challenges our fascination w/ gruesome themes & the ethics of exhibiting mummies for entertainment & profitThis exhibit is in the

Library of the Health Sciences’ Special Collections & University Archives, on the 3rd floor. It was curated by UIC MUSE student Claireasa Golden.

Library webinar: Troubleshooting your PubMed Results (4/19)

Do you search PubMed frequently but sometimes find yourself confused by the results you receive? In this webinar, my colleague Tina Griffin and I will discuss some of the quirks of PubMed, and how these can impact which records are returned in the results. The goal of this webinar is to give attendees better insights into how PubMed works, as well as potential options, and limitations, for decreasing the number of irrelevant results.

This webinar will be recorded and all who register prior to the event will receive a copy of the recording.

Slides will also be made available, in pdf format, to all who register.

Time: April 19th at 1pm (Central Time)

Registration Link: https://go.library.uic.edu/PubMedRes

More information available at: https://library.uic.edu/events/troubleshooting-your-pubmed-results/

Reminder: Online research consultations

If you would like assistance navigating library resources, working on your search strategy, or get help using a citation management tool, please make an appointment with me for an online consultation! You can do this via email (abrunsk2@uic.edu), or by using my online appointment calendar. Please also refer any students to me that you feel might benefit from such a consult.