AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Looking for SELD Student Ambassadors! – Applications due December 3rd

Flyer with information regarding duties, roles and responsibilities and what we are looking for in SELD Student Ambassadors. Text is written on a dark blue background with arrows facing all directions and text is organized into boxes.

The Student Engagement and Leadership Development (SELD) is a student group within the Center for the Advancement of InterProfessional Practice, Education and Research -- CAIPPER --with the goals of 1) ensuring that students have input into CAIPPER activities 2) providing students with a strong interest in interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice (ICP) with the chance to develop leadership skills and 3) creating opportunities for students across the health science colleges to engage in interprofessional education and practice.

SELD will be responsible for:

  1. Planning and implementing interprofessional experiences for students across the seven health science colleges at UIC with a focus on community engagement, patient safety, and health equity.
  2. Encouraging interprofessional collaboration as a means to provide holistic healthcare.
  3. Providing student perspectives for CAIPPER activities.
  4. Providing leadership development opportunities for students who have long-term goals related to IPE and ICP.
  5. Servicing the UIC and Chicagoland communities through volunteerism so that students are prepared to serve their communities as informed healthcare professionals.
  6. Voicing ideas for interprofessional events and activities to help engage students from respective programs.


SELD Student Ambassadors will serve as liaisons to and representatives of each of the health professions programs and work with the SELD leadership team to achieve SELD goals.

Roles and Responsibilities for SELD Student Ambassadors:

  • Assist in the planning and implementation of IPE initiatives and events
  • Promote IPE events for your respective program (post fliers, speak in classrooms, etc.)
  • Attend the orientation sessions for each respective college
  • Create a presentation resource (specific to their degree program) for recruitment
  • Attend monthly SELD executive meetings to discuss ideas for interprofessional events and activities at UIC
  • Collaborate with SELD leaders in hosting/setting up events on campus

Perks of being an ambassador:

  • Advocate for your profession as an important member of the healthcare team!
  • Build your understanding of other healthcare team members' roles and responsibilities, make new friends with students in other programs, and find career development opportunities!
  • Develop a personal network of faculty, students from all UIC health professions programs, and community partners that will benefit your future as a healthcare professional.
  • Resume Builder - An opportunity for students to learn leadership skills through working with a variety of other IPE and ICP stakeholders.
  • Have a say in what kind of interprofessional activities and education you and others in your program want to see at UIC.
  • Become a part of the amazing SELD leadership team with dedicated faculty mentorship and support!

Who we are looking for:

  • Our goal is to have at least one ambassador for each health professions program including Dentistry, Health Information Management, Healthcare Administration, Nursing – BSN, AGMS and DNP, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Public Health, Social Work
  • Time commitment: 2-3 hours per week for a minimum of one academic year. The timeline for this position will be from January 2024 to May 2025.*
  • Motivated students with a keen interest in advancing interprofessional education and health equity and who want to bring together students across the 7 health science colleges at UIC.

*If you are unable to fully commit to the timeline, just note that in the application, but we would still love for you to apply!


Application opens: November 20th, 2023 

Applications are due: December 3rd, 2023

You will receive a response by December 18th, 2023

Link to the application: https://forms.gle/G5V8hvVnUyCXxaSh8

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us at seld_eboard@uic.edu.