AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Mandatory COVID-19 saliva testing for all faculty, staff and students participating in on-campus activities

UIC is now requiring mandatory COVID-19 saliva testing for all faculty, staff, and students participating in on-campus activities, see https://today.uic.edu/covid-19-saliva-testing. Below is the key information that you need to know about the new testing requirements.

Why is this being required? COVID-19 saliva testing, together with temperature and symptom checks, masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing, is important to keep everyone safe. Even if you are vaccinated, regular surveillance testing is still important since it remains unknown whether you can still transmit the disease after vaccination.

Who does the required COVID-19 saliva testing apply to? All faculty, staff, and students who come to the Chicago campus and enter our and other academic buildings are required to follow the policy. Even if you come to campus infrequently it is recommended that you get tested when here.

Frequency of testing? You need to be tested at least once every two weeks, but not more than weekly. If you are not on campus you do not need to come to campus just to be tested.

How to get tested? Appointments are preferred but you can also walk-in. You can schedule an appointment and see testing locations and times online.

What if I work primarily in UI Health? For staff working primarily in the hospital or clinics there is a separate testing policy and procedure that is forthcoming. However, if you are entering academic buildings (i.e. AHSB, DHSP, CMET, PEB, etc.) then you need to comply with the campus testing requirements.

Do I still need to complete the daily Health Check online? Yes. The daily symptom and temperature check is also required if on campus. You can do this at the new UIC Daily Pass site. This site combines the COVID-19 saliva testing and the daily symptom and temperature check.

How do I know if I am in compliance? The UIC Daily Pass will display a color-coded badge. If your badge is green you are in compliance. Yellow indicates you need to be tested in the next 7 days. Red means you need to be tested immediately.

Is compliance with testing linked to building access? Yes. You may be asked to show your Daily Pass badge on your cell phone to access some academic buildings. Failure to comply with testing, or with symptom and temperature checks, may result in loss of access.

Will compliance be monitored? Yes. The college will be notified if you enter a building without being in compliance with the saliva testing requirement (just as has been the case for the symptom/temperature checks). You will be asked to immediately obtain a saliva test. Repeated non-compliance could result in loss of building access, or referral to Human Resources.

What if I test positive? If you test positive you should not be on campus. You should complete the UIC contact tracing online reporting tool, and follow up with University Health Services for further guidance. Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days do not need to do the saliva test, and will have a green badge.

How do I know if students in my class or on rotation are in compliance? The college and departments will monitor student compliance with the testing requirement, and follow-up with those not compliant. Faculty may choose to also request students to show their compliance on the UIC Daily Pass badge.

Staying safe requires everyone to work together. Saliva testing is another tool that we should all use to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your compliance with this new campus policy.