AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Message from AHS leadership: Statement on white supremacist insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

Dear AHS students, faculty and staff,

As we all are aware, the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law that undergirds our U.S. Judicial system were both threatened by a violent and deadly insurrection mounted at the U.S. Capitol.  An election that began in November with a firm sign of our country’s value for self-governance by the people (the highest voter turnout in over a century), was marred by four deaths and other shameful and embarrassing attempts at mob rule and anarchy.  I am sure you are as appalled and concerned as we are regarding these actions.   The striking difference in law enforcement response compared to the Black Lives Matter protests were not only concerning but also emphasize how important eliminating racism is for all people in our country.

At the same time, over the past few days, we have witnessed several brave Congresspersons from both parties join together in the House and Senate to persevere and ensure that our Constitution is upheld. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were both elected lawfully as President and Vice President.  Also,  in Georgia, voter turnout records were again broken, resulting in the elections of Reverend Raphael Warnock as the first African American to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate, and Jon Ossoff, a Jewish candidate serving as Georgia’s Congressional representative.

Seeds of change are before us, and it is our shared responsibility to continue to cultivate them in ways that bind rather than divide. It is important for all of us to set examples for each other regarding the importance of social justice and racial-ethnic equity. These times call upon all members of our college to rally around the Black and Brown members of our AHS community in ways that do not single them out but instead uplift and unite all of us together in a single mission of moral duty and service to all.


Bo Fernhall
Dean and Professor

Renee Taylor
Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs

Eileen Doran
Associate Dean for Student Affairs