AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Message to AHS faculty and staff re. AHS and phase three

As you may know, Illinois entered phase three of Governor JB Pritzker's reopening plan May 29. UIC is still in the process of planning its road to recovery and is not yet ready for the majority of faculty and staff to return to campus. It is expected that most faculty and staff will continue to work from home at least through the summer.

As part of a gradual re-opening of campus, we are now proceeding on a phased resumption of research. This beginning phase applies only to researchers who need to use their laboratories for data analysis that cannot be performed remotely and/or for work with already collected tissues or cells.

Research using animal models is still in a maintenance phase, with only animal care being allowed. No human subjects research requiring person-to-person contact is allowed. Human research conducted remotely can continue as planned.

For any research to resume the following conditions also need to be fulfilled:

  1. All laboratories regardless of type need to receive approval of the PI’s BioRAFT safety plan (by EHSO)
  2. Availability of appropriate PPE in the building and in your laboratory (delivery of limited amount of PPE and safety supplies (ordered already)– you are responsible for ordering PPE for your own laboratory
  3. An approved building safety plan (in process – you will be notified when approved)
  4. Final approval to return in a gradual manner will be granted by your respective department head and Philip Clifford, associate dean for research

If you have not yet completed a BioRAFT plan, please visit the BioRAF website.

A quick start guide is available at uofi.app.box.com/s/wu8xd2k8sdfutralllr84vhtxbop2qe9.

If you have any questions, please contact Dean Bo Fernhall or Dr. Clifford.