AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

New course: Intro to research data management

Spring 2018 B Term
Course ID and Number: LIB 573: Introduction to Research Data Management
Credit and Offering: 1 Credit / Asynchronous Online Course
Instructor: Associate Professor Abigail Goben (agoben@uic.edu)

Description: Research data management is a major issue facing modern across disciplines, with new and increasing obligations to preserve, share, reproduce, and handle data ethically, as well as opportunities to collaborate, reuse, and remix datasets within and across disciplines.  This foundational course will help students manage their data across the research process. They will identify data types, rules, and requirements in their own disciplines; explore research data types across disciplines; and identify opportunities to improve sharing, reproducibility, and interdisciplinary collaboration. This course will include asynchronous lectures and discussions, optional synchronous group chats, partner and small group discussions and projects, and development of a personal research data management starter portfolio.