AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

New Elective: Intro to LGBTQ+ Health

PT 496: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Health

Title: PT 496 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Health (CRN 48397)

2 Credit Hours

Course Schedule and Format: Hybrid Format; Mondays 4-5pm in-person AHSB 409, 1-Hour/week Asynchronous Lecture Online

Course Description: Join us in an engaging course that explores the health and healthcare needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals. Delve deeper than surface-level to uncover the nuances of implicit bias, health disparities, and current issues in healthcare delivery, including gender-affirming care and policies shaping LGBTQ+ health. Through enriching discussions, case studies, and an engaging community panel, you will harness practical knowledge to champion health equity for this often-overlooked community.

Questions? Contact the instructors, Autumn Neuharth aneuha2@uic.edu or Joel Lisen jlisen@uic.edu