AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards: Nominate a student today!

Nominations are now being accepted for the 53rd Annual Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate any outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional students who have given their time and talent to the campus or in community service. A detailed description of awards is available online for individual awards or student organization awards.

Awards include:

- Chancellor’s Student Service Award (for volunteer service to UIC and/or the community)
- Eugertha Bates Memorial Award (for humanitarian commitment)
- Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award (for creativity/innovation/length of service)
- International Student Ambassador Service Award
- Activities Honorary Society
- Student Organization Awards

Nomination dates and guidelines
- Nominations for individual student awards will be accepted online through Sunday, Feb. 9.
- Nominations for student organization awards will be accepted online through Friday, Feb. 28.
- Nominators should provide great detail when describing the nature and value of the nominee’s contributions relevant to a particular award.
- Bulk nominations are allowed for the Chancellor’s Student Service Award only. The bulk nomination spreadsheet should be completed and uploaded to the CSSLA Bulk Nomination Form.
- Nominated students will receive an email message to verify their contact information. Nominations are not considered complete until the student has verified their contact information online.
- Nominees must be in good academic standing.
- Students may nominate themselves or other students.
- Undergraduate, graduate and professional students are eligible for all awards.

The various awards will be presented at the 53rd Annual Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards program on Thursday, April 24, at 5 p.m. in the Illinois Room, Student Center East. Recipients will be recognized individually, and their nominator will be invited to attend.

For additional information or to nominate a student, visit the service and leadership awards webpage or contact Student Leadership and Civic Engagement at 312-996-4500 or slce@uic.edu.

Thank you for your support in recognizing our outstanding students’ achievements in volunteerism, service and leadership.