AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

P.E.O. Scholar Awards Opportunity

The P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) sisterhood established the P.E.O. Scholar Awards program in 1991 to provide educational awards of $15,000 for women who are pursuing a doctoral level degree at an accredited college or university.

Eligibility: An applicant for a P.E.O. Scholar Award (PSA) is required to be nominated by a local P.E.O. chapter and to be citizen of legal permanent resident of the United States or Canada.

She must be within two years of completing her doctoral level degree and she must have one full academic year of work remaining at the time of the first award payment is made (August 1). She must be enrolled full time in her program at an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or university.

Application: Following nomination by a P.E.O. chapter, each eligible nominee will be required to electronically submit an application by an assigned date.

Selection Criteria: In selecting recipients of these merit-based, highly-competitive awards, the board of trustees for PSA will evaluate each application using the following criteria:

  • The nominee’s proposal
  • Potential to make significant contributions in her field(s) of endeavor for a positive impact on society
  • Recommendations from the university professors, or professional mentors
  • Evidence of scholarly activities (publications, presentations, patents, performances, etc.)
  • Academic awards and honors (honor societies, scholarships, etc.)
  • Academic record (grades)
  • Career objectives
  • Unique academic and global experiences

Priority is given to a women who is well established in her program.

Awards: PSAs are announced annual in May for the ensuring academic year. The number of awards is determined each year in accordance with the funds available.

Endowed and Named Scholars: To be selected as an Endowed or Named P.E.O. Scholar is an additional honor for the recipients who are chosen for these awards. Endowed awards are supported by gifts to specific endowed funds maintained in the P.E.O Foundation for Scholar Awards. Named awards are one-time awards funded by contributions given by individuals, chapters or collective gives in the amount of a PSA.

August 20 - November 20:
Online nominations accepted.
May 1: Notification of awards sent to applicants and nominating chapters.
August 1: First half of award payment mailed to recipient after receipt of confirmation of enrollment and mid-year progress report.
January 31: Final half of award payment sent after receipt of recipient’s final progress report and confirmation of enrollment.

For more information or with additional questions one may contact the
P.E.O. Executive Office at 515-255-3153 or visit peointernational.org, or the P.E.O. NG Chapter Contact, Vicki Egler, at 847-863-0627.