AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Research contingency plans from the AHS Office of Research  

If at all possible, faculty, students and research personnel should be working from home. Although face-to-face contact with research participants has been suspended until further notice, we realize that it may not be possible to accomplish all other research-related tasks from home. To create an appropriate contingency plan, please follow these guidelines:

  • Review the plans for continuing your research with all personnel in your group. Consider what will be needed to continue this mode of operation if the situation continues for two months.
  • For laboratory functions that must continue, try to create a schedule with only one individual in the lab at a time. Have a plan for what happens if there is an order to shelter in place.
  • Plan for a decontamination of workspaces should an illness occur. Use the CDC's Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations for Laboratories.


Please contact Philip Clifford at psc@uic.edu with any questions.