Research Writing Course for Post-Graduates Application Due Thursday, August 22

Research Writing Course for Postgraduate Researchers:

This intensive 24-week course is designed for both native and non-native English speakers of all proficiency levels. The course will be most useful for participants in STEM and social science fields, however, participants from all fields are welcome to participate if you think improving your academic writing skills would be useful and beneficial for your career and professional development. The course is now in its 5th year and feedback from the first four cohorts has been extremely positive.

  • The fall semester of the course will focus on developing a writing process and the importance of writing as part of a career in research (including, for example, converting ongoing research into text, principles of co-authorship, or selection of journals for manuscript submission).
  • The spring semester of the course will focus on section-by-section analytical feedback of your past writing(s) and/or current manuscripts. It will also include recommendations on how to build an online presence, how to submit proposals to conferences, and how to develop as a science writer. This stems from the always-productive discussions on how to organize time, how to manage multiple ongoing writing tasks, or how to identify and overcome publication shyness / writing block.

Course Schedule and Description:

Fall 2024-Research Writing: Language and Process

  • Course Dates: September 5 to November 26, 2024 (12 weeks)
  • Schedule: Two 60-minute class sessions twice a week (120 minutes per week): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
  • Location: Zoom (virtual synchronous class meetings)
  • Semester Fee: $200/participant
  • Description: The purpose of this course is to add to the participants’ written proficiency in their discipline and field of expertise. Its main focus is on clarity of purpose and written presentation of processes. The course uses writing guides for graduate students and junior researchers for content focus and style. The subject matter of the course writing is authentic material brought in by participants (drafts and manuscripts). Participants approach the course as an opportunity to work on their manuscript(s) to increase the material’s fluency and clarity. The course instructor serves as a facilitator of workshop sessions that open a platform for participants’ development of the intensive reading and writing process, focused feedback, and cyclical needs-assessment through self-reflection.

Spring 2025-Research Writing: From Drafts to Manuscripts

    • Course Dates: January 14 to April 10, 2025 (12 weeks; no classes during Spring Break, March 24-28)
    • Schedule: Two 90-minute class sessions twice a week (180 minutes per week): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-5 p.m.
    • Location: Zoom (virtual synchronous class meetings)
    • Semester Fee: $200/participant
  • Description: The purpose of this course is to aid the participants in preparation for submitting research manuscripts for publication. The course builds on the Research Writing: Language and Process course outcomes of language clarity, data commentary, and appropriate synthesis for different audiences. This course focuses on cohesion of ideas and concision of research results in written presentation. Drafts of manuscripts brought in by the participants provide authentic material for the course. Participants approach the course as an opportunity to prepare their manuscript for future publication. The course instructor facilitates sessions that provide a platform for the participants to write, revise, and process given feedback on their future manuscript.


  • Please submit the short application here.
  • This course requires extensive time commitment. If you are working under a PI/supervisor, they MUST understand they should enable you to attend the virtual class sessions and, if possible, avoid scheduling meetings during class time, especially regular meetings, preventing you from completing the course.
  • The course requires a fee of $200/semester/participant. You can pay for the course using lab/departmental funds via p-card or CFOP transfer. In addition to discussing your participation in the course with your department/PI/supervisor, be sure to ask if they can financially support your participation in the course.
  • Participants will be selected based on the quality of the statement of purpose.
  • We welcome applications from anyone who has completed their PhD/doctoral degree.
  • Applications are due by Thursday, August 22.