AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

SAFE-T lab students receive a LASURI award

BHIS SAFE-T lab undergraduate research students, Divya Krishnakumar and Christie Kang, are both named recipients of a 2020-2021 UIC College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Initiative (LASURI) award! Divya and Christie wrote and submitted competitive independent research proposals to be considered for the award.

In the coming academic year, Divya and Christie will work with SAFE-T lab director and BHIS professor Ashley Hughes to complete funded independent project(s) supported by the award.  Names of their funded independent projects are below:

Divya Krishnakumar: "The influence of power distance on psychological safety within healthcare teams"

Christie Kang: "Are all disadvantages created equal? An examination of NIHs' diversity statement on cancer-related outcomes"

Please join me in congratulating them on such a major accomplishment early in their careers!