AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Safety tips from the UIC Police Department

As the spring semester comes to an end and we have less students, faculty and staff on campus, we wanted to remind those of you who will be on campus (or who have offices on campus) to stay alert and remain vigilant. Due to the decrease in persons on campus and an improvement in the weather, we tend to see a slight uptick in thefts during this time. Given the locations of college building  (on the corner or near major thoroughfares), your vigilance is vitally important in helping to keep our individual buildings and the broader UIC campus safe and secure.

To help you during this time, we offer the following safety tips:

  • Prior to leaving campus, ensure all offices and/or doors opened by you or others working with you are locked and secured.
  • If possible, take all personal valuables home with you upon leaving for the day; any valuables that must stay on campus should be safely stored and secured.
  • Report all crimes and/or suspicious persons promptly to the UIC Police Department.
  • Store the UIC Police Department emergency number in your cell phone for ease of use when needed (312-355-5555); the non-emergency number is 312-996-2830.

As always, we remind you that the UIC Police Department is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please feel free to contact them at any time, even if you are unsure if the issue at hand is a police matter. Thank you for helping us to keep our campus community safe!