AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Shuaijie Wang awarded fall 2022 AHS Interdisciplinary Pilot Grant

PT post-doctoral fellow Shuaijie Wang has been selected from the fall 2022 round of applications to receive an AHS Interdisciplinary Pilot Grant for his research proposal entitled “Development of fall-risk prediction model for older adults using artificial intelligence approaches.”  He will collaborate with Fabio Miranda (Computer Sciences) and Myunghee Kim (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) to use AI algorithms in developing fall-risk prediction models based on laboratory trials for specific types of falls and validate the models using both laboratory and real-life falls,

Special thanks to the review committee (Deepika Laddu-Patel, Kristin Berg, Ashley Hughes, Mary Khetani and Krista Varady) for their thoughtful evaluation of the proposals.