UIC Contact Tracing Team Request

The UIC Contract Tracing and Epidemiology Program is requesting employees to complete a survey related to the surge in COVID-19 cases following the holidays. The surge in cases significantly strained university operations, including the prompt dissemination of work status reports for employees infected with COVID or those who needed to quarantine after a close contact exposure. One of the greatest barriers they say they encountered was the absence of a single data source from which the contact tracing team could easily extract the name and email of an employee’s supervisor.

Based on the survey it appears that they are attempting to create a campus-wide database of supervisors. The survey should take no more than 1-2 minutes to complete. You will need your UIN and supervisor's email address to complete the survey.

Survey link: https://redcap.link/dgcciijw  

Thanks for your assistance in creating the employee-supervisor database.