AHS College Meeting

All AHS faculty and staff are invited to participate in the Spring 2025 AHS College Meeting

Proposal Development

I’m writing a grant and need help.

We help you put together the strongest possible proposal both scientifically and administratively with statisticians, regulatory support, and external review.

  • The science Plus the application

  • Equals A competitive proposal

Statistical consultation Heading link

Even if you know your way around a general linear model, including a statistician on your study team increases your likelihood of funding success. Ed Wang and Rrita Zejnullahi are dedicated in-house statisticians available to help you with planning, design, analysis and development of analytical strategies. Schedule a consultation.

For best results provide the following before your consultation:

  • An overview of the project and research questions
  • Current stage of the project (e.g., planning, design, analysis or interpretation of statistical methods)
  • What the outcome variable looks like (e.g., continuous, binary, count, nominal or ordinal)
  • Any patterns in the data (e.g., repeated measures)
  • Any analysis plans already being considered (e.g., two-sample t-test, logistic regression)

Budgeting consultation Heading link

Before the budget becomes a spreadsheet, it’s crucial to understand what your project truly requires to be successful and to know what you can and cannot request funding for and why. Email AHS_Research@uic.edu to schedule a budgeting and budget justification consultation early in the process.

For best results provide the following before your consultation:

  • The request for proposals, notice of funding opportunity, etc.
  • An aims page or similar document
  • An estimate of your sample size, number of participants, etc.

Human subjects & clinical trials Heading link

There is substantial overlap between the information needed to prepare a successful and comprehensive IRB protocol and the human subjects forms required by sponsors. Contact Sandra Rahbe for assistance or with questions.

For best results provide the following in your email:

  • The request for proposals, notice of funding opportunity, etc.
  • An aims page or similar document
  • A description of your enrollment criteria
  • An estimate of your sample size, number of participants, etc.

External grant review Heading link

With sufficient advance notice, we can arrange an external NIH-style review of your proposal. Contact Kharma Foucher for more information.

The OVCR Office of Research Development also offers fee-for-service proposal development support through Hanover Research with a two to three weeks lead time.