AHS College Meeting

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2021 Association of Medical Illustrators award winners

Congratulations to all of those who received awards at the 2021 Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) Virtual Meeting

Salon Awards (Student)

Nicole Shepherd (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Merit in the Didactic/Instructional Anatomical/Pathological category for The Diversity of Shingles

Sydney Agger (BVIS 2022) received an Award of Merit in the Didactic/Instructional Surgical/Clinical Procedures category for Lumbar Puncture Procedure

Nicole Shepherd (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Excellence in the Didactic/Instructional Molecular/Biological/Life Sciences category for SARS-CoV-s G614 Mutant Increases ACE2 Receptor Binding

Jer Weann Ang (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Excellence in the Editorial category for Cellular Backpacks for Macrophage Immunotherapy

Alex Nazlidis (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Merit in the Advertising and Marketing/Promotional category for Light in the MELAS Syndrome Tunnel

Emilyn Frohn (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Merit in the Animation category for Neurovascular Coupling Pericyte Control of Retinal Blood Flow.

Katie Harvey (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Merit in the Animation category for To Kill Cancer, Turn Off the Power

Emilyn Frohn (BVIS 2021) received a Best of Show award for the Vesalius Trust Poster Symposium

Jer Weann Ang (BVIS 2021) received an Award of Excellence in the Interactive category for Tumor Pseudoprogression Learning Module

Salon Awards (Professional)

BVIS faculty member Sam Bond '16 MS BVIS received an Award of Excellence in the Didactic/instructional Non-Commercial category for The Meibomian Gland and Dry Eye Progression

BVIS alumnus Todd Buck (BVIS 1990) received an Award of Merit in the Didactic/instructional Non-Commercial category for Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT)

BVIS alumnus David Ehlert (BVIS 1997) & Cognition Studio, Inc. received an Award of Excellence in the Animation Didactic/Instructional-Commerical category for Omega Therapeutics Epigenomic Programming MOA. 

BVIS alumnus David Ehlert (BVIS 1997) & Cognition Studio, Inc. received an Award of Merit in the Animation Advertising and Marketing/Promotional category for Inari Seed Revolution. 

Other AMI Awards

BVIS faculty member Sam Bond '16 MS BVIS was named a Fellow of the AMI

BVIS faculty member Christine Young received the prestigious Brödel Award for Excellence in Education

Congratulations to all the award winners!