AHS SET summer 2022 recap

The Applied Health Sciences Summer & Exploration Transition Institute (AHS SET), in its first summer back since the start of the pandemic, was wonderfully successful. AHS SET takes place over two days during the summer with the goal to engage and prepare AHS incoming freshmen and transfer students in a fun and interactive format. This summer, we welcomed 17 incoming students to our college who learned and built community. While the official post-event survey just went out, I feel confident that the feedback the participants will be overwhelming positive.
All of this could not have been possible without the support and efforts of you our amazing AHS faculty, staff and leadership (17 individuals' total and named below!!!). Thank you for your time, mentorship and investment for our incoming students.
Lab demos and presentations
Tom Kanan
Jingo Pang
Andrew Sawers
Faculty-led projects
Karrie Hamstra-Wright
Kirsten Straughan
Jennifer Wescott
Networking luncheons
Kharma Foucher
Maris Fujiura
Rob Gould
Keith Gorman
Whitney Harris
Renea Lynes
Simona Stankevicius
Felicia Williams
Behind-the-scenes support
Eileen Doran
Angela Riddle
Noreen Chap
Melvin Woolfolk
Simona Stankevicius
Keith Gorman