AHS College Meeting

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BVIS students, alumni and faculty among AMI 2019 Salon winners

Congratulations to all the BVIS students, alumni and faculty who received awards at the 2019 Association of Medical Illustrators Annual Meeting in Milwaukee, WI.

Salon Awards (Student)
Dani Bergey '19 MS BVIS won an Award of Merit in the Student Animation category for HiVolt: A Rapid HIV Viral Load Test

Alexia Schill '19 MS BVIS won an Award of Merit in the Student Animation category for 3D Printing a Chemo Sponge

Dani Bergey '19 MS BVIS won an Award of Excellence in the Student Animation category for Transcription in Myc-Related Cancers

Vesalius Trust Student Poster Presentations
Isabel Romero Calvo '19 MS BVIS won an honorable mention for Visual data impact on comprehension and perception of educational animations for biomedical researchers

Salon Awards (Professional)
BVIS faculty member Carol Hrejsa '07 MS BVIS won an Award of Merit in the Professional Simulators, Prosthetics and Sculptural Products category for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Model

Literary Awards
Mao Miyamoto '16 MS BVIS and BVIS faculty members Deb Milkowski, Christine Young and Leah Lebowicz are the recipients of a 2019 Association of Medical Illustrator's Literary Award for Developing a Virtual Lab to Teach Essential Biology Laboratory Techniques

Eleanor Milman '18 MS BVIS and BVIS faculty members Kevin BrennanLeah Lebowicz and John Daugherty are the recipients of a 2019 Association of Medical Illustrator's Literary Award for Visualizing a Juvenile Australopithecus Afarensis Specimen: Implications for Functional Foot Anatomy